
Aside from electricity, indoor plumbing and a few paved roads, I doubt much has changed in Lempster in the last 200 or so years. This quiet charm easily takes you back to simpler times. The “center” of town is at the intersection of Rt. 10, 2nd NH Turnpike and Lempster Mountain Road. If you are driving faster than the posted limit of 30 mph, you will certainly miss it! There are historic buildings on 3 of the 4 corners of the intersection…

The Miner Memorial Library est. 1965

The Miner Memorial Library
est. 1965

Town Hall

Town Hall

What is now Historic Hall Home of the Lempster Historical Society

What is now Historic Hall
Home of the Lempster Historical Society


The buildings are not the only historical sites, just behind the town hall is the local cemetery. I paused to look at some of the grave stones. What attracted me to the cemetery was the tufts of phlox covering the grounds. It sure is prettier than grass and doesn’t have to be mowed…



In contrast with the historical building are the views of the wind farm in the distance…



A friend of mine recently asked how I find all of the things I photograph. The answer is simple, I look at a combination of maps and try to plan a route which will take me on almost every road in town. I do try to stay our of obvious housing tracts, but other than that all roads are fair game. I do have to map out contingency plans because maps and GPS devices lie all the time, especially in towns like Lempster!


Too bad my GPS didn’t know about the high water

I did drive a way down this road before I encountered the high water and I found several things that I thought were interesting or photogenic…



Great use of a fallen log

Sometimes, I find great back roads to travel, but nothing to photograph…


Unless you get out and walk a bit…

One of the first painted trillium I had seen this year.

One of the first painted trillium I had seen this year.

Lempster has quite a few ponds and streams. Some large enough to kayak in and some only deep enough for the wildlife to enjoy…



Common Merganser and chicks

Merganser and chicks



If you are going to head out to Lempster for a scenic drive, be sure not to miss Grandview Road! I’m certain it did not get its name by chance…






I’ve seen many emerald ash borer beetle traps in my travels, but this one was low enough to get a good look at…


As I was headed towards Sand Pond, I came across something that made me think of fellow blogger New Hampshire Garden Solutions because of his love of the Ashuelot River…


Directly across the road was an interesting property that I don’t think sees much use, even though it is mostly in good shape…



From here, you can hike to the top of Silver Mountain. I was hoping the Silver Mountain Cider Company would be open so I could sample some of their products, but it is hit or miss on Mon-Wed…


If you don’t want to hike to the top of Sliver Mountain, there are several other options for hikers, including the Duck Pond Nature Trail…


Unlike the chainsaw carved bears in Alstead, this mushroom was still firmly attached at the base…


I was just about to call it a day. I was back on Rt. 10 heading to the campground when I knew I just had to stop and check out the rat rod sitting by the side of  the road…


It isn't every day you see a show stretcher on a car!

It isn’t every day you see a show stretcher on a car!

Ed shows off the hydraulic body lift

Ed shows off the hydraulic body lift

Thanks for touring Lempster with me. Check out my Facebook page for hints as to where I will be next week.

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9 Comments on “Lempster”

  1. New Hampshire Garden Solutions June 16, 2014 at 10:54 pm #

    I haven’t been up there in a long time. I should go back next time I’m in Marlow. I love that cabin and I’d like to visit that forest.

    • Touring NH June 17, 2014 at 9:38 am #

      A:hover { COLOR: red } A { TEXT-DECORATION: none; COLOR: #0088cc } A.primaryactionlink:link { COLOR: #fff; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #2585b2 } A.primaryactionlink:visited { COLOR: #fff; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #2585b2 } A.primaryactionlink:hover { COLOR: #fff !important; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #11729e } A.primaryactionlink:active { COLOR: #fff !important; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #11729e }

      You were the first person I thought of when I saw the sign! Do you know where the boat ramp is on Sand Pond (the ramp is actually in Marlow)? The forest and the cabin are only about 5 minutes from there.

      • New Hampshire Garden Solutions June 17, 2014 at 10:46 pm #

        I don’t know where the boat ramp is but I know where the road to the pond is. The boat ramp can’t be that hard to find once you’ve found the pond.

  2. marthaschaefer June 17, 2014 at 11:46 am #

    Love that you always find such interesting things to shoot. The log planter was lovely. The emerald ash borer beetle traps always make me sad when I see how many butterflies they catch and kill…

    • Touring NH June 17, 2014 at 11:49 am #

      Unfortunately the traps do catch other bugs, but with the beetle as close as CT advanced warning is the only way to save the ash trees.

  3. mariekeates June 17, 2014 at 5:28 pm #

    Another interesting trip. I love the old abandoned house and I find graveyards irresistible. It’s always interesting to walk around reading the inscription and with the phlox it’s really beautiful too.

    • Touring NH June 18, 2014 at 8:32 am #

      A:hover { COLOR: red } A { TEXT-DECORATION: none; COLOR: #0088cc } A.primaryactionlink:link { COLOR: #fff; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #2585b2 } A.primaryactionlink:visited { COLOR: #fff; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #2585b2 } A.primaryactionlink:hover { COLOR: #fff !important; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #11729e } A.primaryactionlink:active { COLOR: #fff !important; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #11729e }

      I’m glad you enjoyed Lempster. The cemetery was interesting and the tufts of phlox were really eye-catching.

  4. Rusha Sams June 19, 2014 at 10:59 am #

    Really great pictures! Love the cemetery phlox. I’ve been in a few cemeteries lately, and seeing the phlox is a first.

    • Touring NH June 19, 2014 at 11:05 am #

      The phlox was a first for me too. I’m thinking perhaps they are trying to get away from having to mow as often. It certainly was pretty.

I'd love to know what you think!


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