Tag Archives: town hall


The morning started of foggy with a light mist. I wasn’t too optimistic about the scenic vistasĀ  I knew awaited me. But the fog and mist lent an eerie silence to the pond… When heading out to a new town, usually, I can predict what kinds of scenes I’m likely to encounter, but sometimes I […]

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The town of Orange covers roughly 14,848 acres, over a 1/3 of which make up a good part of Cardigan Mountain State Park and Cardigan Mountain State Forest. It is a beautiful drive up Cardigan Mountain Rd to the trail head, parking and picnic area. Here is a link to the trail map. . . […]

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Fall isn’t the only time you will find vibrant, beautiful colors on a drive through Alexandria. As Mother Nature releases us from the grasp of Old Man Winter, newly emerging leaves begin life in many of the shades of fall. Reds, yellows and oranges fill the trees until their leaves garner enough sunshine to put […]

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Langdon is rural New Hampshire at its best! There is a quiet beauty that draws you in and takes you to a simpler time. Both of the covered bridges in Langdon are closed to vehicular traffic and are listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The McDermott Bridge spans the Cold River. The second […]

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Aside from electricity, indoor plumbing and a few paved roads, I doubt much has changed in Lempster in the last 200 or so years. This quiet charm easily takes you back to simpler times. The “center” of town is at the intersection of Rt. 10, 2nd NH Turnpike and Lempster Mountain Road. If you are […]

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I was quite happy to be out and about with the weather starting to turn spring like. I saw my first real sign of spring while I was in Francestown. In front of a lovely old farm house, I saw my first crocus of the year… The snow melt has filled the streams and brooks […]

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Windsor is the smallest town south of the White Mountains, but don’t let its size fool you! I found plenty of photographic opportunities! From lovely views of the distant mountains to the bob houses on Black Pond… The Windsor Mountain International Summer CampĀ has some very cool stone structures on its property… And I saw more […]

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Roxbury, a town of only 12.2 sq. miles and 229 residents as of the 2010 census, was a bit of a challenge this week. My first challenge was that it was only 9 degrees on the morning that I chose to tour Roxbury. I would have waited for a warmer day but I did promise […]

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Greenville is one of New Hampshire’s smallest towns at only 6.9 square miles. It is also the 3rd youngest town in New Hampshire. I was worried that I wouldn’t find enough to blog about, but, boy was I wrong! The center of town is rich in history with old mills, now repurposed for businesses and […]

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Steve and I got off to an early start to tour Antrim. I wanted to get to Greg Lake before the sun was fully up. I guess that is one good thing about winter, sunrise is at a reasonable hour. I had been to Greg Lake once before, about 5 years ago when a friend […]

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Touring NH

with Laura Mahoney